
Showing posts from April, 2008

Welcome, the Specialists

Hi All, Read this astounding article The Surprising Right Fit for Software Testing to know about people with Asperger syndrome or some form of ASD, who are now considered best in class testers. I thank my college Vinod K for sharing this fantastic information. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Autism spectrum : The autism spectrum, also called autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or autism spectrum conditions (ASC), with the word autistic sometimes replacing autism, is a spectrum of psychological conditions characterized by widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, as well as severely restricted interests and highly repetitive behavior. Behaviorally, certain characteristics identify the autism spectrum. The type, severity and/or number of autistic traits present determines the severity of autism in the individual. These autistic traits may be beneficial for some disciplines like science, mathematics, engineering and computer programming. Some autistic individu...

Black box test puzzles

Hi All, Are you free? Are you ready to exercise your brain? Are you ready to learn? Are you ready to test? Then join me in exploring the Test Machines by James Lyndsay. Here is an arrangement, testers interested in solving these, which include me as well:-), shall share personal email id’s(send a test mail to or post it in the comment), once we have a pool of testers, could be even 2, never particular about the numbers, shall start investigating these interesting puzzles. Warning - these machines may change the way you test! – James Lyndsay Disclaimer: All the blogs shared by me are my ideas, my thought, my understanding of the subject and does not represent any of my employer’s ideas, thought, plans or strategies.

Testers punished for testing...or are they???

Hi All, This came up from an interesting discussion I was having with a friend (tester). He was happy because he was able to get the software working so that he could run tests on it the next day. I felt a little awkward with the happiness expressed and so delved into his happiness to find out that • He was happy because he would not go to work in shifts (night) for testing, because he was able to get it started by EOD. • He was happy because he shall be able to run the tests as per the schedule defined. • He was happy because he could start testing. • He was happy because he could send a report to his manager about the test status as scheduled. • He was happy because he could find bugs faster, since other members of his team have not got the software to work yet. Well, there’s more to it and then came an interesting story. Two testers were asked to test 2 different features of a printer. During upgrade of the software, one of the testers removed the n/w cable connected and this crashe...