
Showing posts from July, 2011

What do you do when you find a bug?

What do you do when you find a bug? Hold on do not answer it right now. Let me first set the context. You are part of an agile team. The developers sit opposite to you. You are testing a feature in a session. You are time bound and have the good habit of capturing notes when you test. When you now find a bug what do you do? Assuming that you have taken enough notes you go on to write a good bug description and may capture a screen shot, video of the bug and continue with your session. At the end of the session do you Open the defect tracking tool (wait for it to load), enter all the fields for a bug, upload necessary evidence and have the tool share the defects with your dev team? Or Open the defect tracking tool (wait for it to load), enter all fields for a bug, upload necessary evidence and then compose an email to the dev team with the bug id’s/descriptions? Or Walk to the developer share your notes; reproduce it if required, work together to identify the problem? I work in ...