How do you measure and appraise testers?
- Do you use a tool to measure testers? - Do you measure them based on the number of bugs they find? - Do you measure them by the number of valid (acknowledged by development/product/ team) bugs they find? - Do you measure them based on the x% variance with schedule for a testing effort? - Do you measure them based on the x% adherence to configuration management practices? - Do you measure them based on the Ratio of defects found during testing (vs) defects found post release? - Do you measure them based on the x% system test coverage of the assigned functionality as measured through Reviews and Requirement Traceability Matrix? - Do you measure them based on the Test Environment Utilization Rate? - Do you measure testers based on how testers improve development teams?( ) - etc For all those who strive by metrics and incentive plans based on metrics read this fantastic article “ Employees will always game i...