I have woken up…have you?

Yesterday night I reached home from office at around 9PM, I turned on the TV news channels with hope, but could only see Taj burning. Even after approximately 48 hrs our India was burning. I felt angry, I felt annoyed, I felt terrible, I fumed on our leaders and then I felt like slapping myself. Why?

I don’t know my neighbors, I don’t know whose car/bike is parked near my house, I don’t know my area members, I don’t know anything about the community I live in. Why? Maybe I do not have time? (A typical answer by our community) Maybe I don’t see the value in knowing them? Maybe it’s not my job? I work hard from day to night? Or maybe it’s my ego, laziness and carelessness?

I think it’s all of these, that today I see my India burning; I feel I am also responsible for this terrible incident. I assumed I am a good citizen because I vote, but I feel our responsibility as a citizen does not end at voting.

I today have taken the initiative to bring my area people together and to build a better community. Here are the points I would like to address in the community meet probably tomorrow.

• Pay respect to our soldiers, police and all security personnel who rescued us all.

• Wish one another, when you pass by, at least smile; let’s try to build a better community we could all be proud of.

• Please know your neighbors.

• Ensure who you rent your house to, check his background, approach association (area welfare association) or police (area police station) if you seek more information.

• Greet and question strangers on their purpose of visit. If you get suspicious get your neighbors help or approach/call the police or seek associations help.

• Report any unknown vehicle parked near your house.

• Let’s all help ourselves to create a better community for our loved ones. We do not need our leaders to teach us to live in harmony, let’s take the initiative to show the world how united we stand.

Let’s throw our EGO’s out, to live a little longer

I have talked to my father and their association (“our area” welfare association) to spread the message today evening. But I shall pass my comments to our welfare association and from today on I make a promise to myself to be an active member of our welfare association.

I know I might not be able to counter terrorism, by trying to achieve the above, but I feel unity is what we lack in our country and a stronger community could be the starting point towards a better administration, to have better leaders, and to fight back against evil forces.

Hope you all have woken up.

Source of the image: http://blogs.reuters.com/india/2008/11/27/sitting-here-watching-the-taj-burn-down/

Update on Dec 01: On Saturday night I discussed the event with my area welfare association, and they were happy to see young men taking the initiative. They gave me a better idea to communicate with our area members. And so, on Dec 13-14, when we have our area gathering for an event, we shall communicate this message. I and two of my area friends are thinking on the best way to make an impact. I shall update you all after the event.

I hope this catches on, I repeat let's all unite, let us not forget this incident as we normally have, let this fire burn in our heart always.

Update on December 16: The gathering was fantastic and we had a senior citizen in our community (area) announcing the checklist (we could not find a projector and so settled for announcing). I felt extremely happy when I saw most of my community (area) people observe silence as a mark of showing respect.

I hope this catches on in other areas, which could in turn help us counter the evil forces to some extent.

Disclaimer: All the blogs shared by me are my ideas, my thought, my understanding of the subject and does not represent any of my employer’s ideas, thought, plans or strategies.


NaVoX said…
A truly commendable writeup. I totally agree with your thoughts/emotions. Every citizen has to do more than just excercise his voting rights. Whatever has happened in Mumbai is extremly unfortunate, it will be even worse if we dont learn from this and implement the lessons learnt. A small step taken by you, if followed by everyone, will definitly improve the situation.
Lohit said…
A very insightful and relevant post
The key lesson from this tragedy is to ensure we do not slip back into out small cocoons and comfort zones

There is sadness, frustration, anger in most of us and we need to channelize it appropriately
Unknown said…
As a Citizen of India, it is our duty towards the country to face any little threat to it in any form.
It is not possible to enter into the kitchen staff for any ordinary person , how was it possible to the terrorists to get into it and have huge ammunition with them?
These can happen to anyone and everyone at any place, we need to be more unity irrespective of caste creed or religion, there should be only one religion i.e. humanity which needs to be addressed.
People of India needs to know that "Duty towards the country is for every citizen." These threats arouses from few undutiful citizens of India.
Mohan Panguluri said…
Really appreciate the step forward. Revolution always happened with the first step takeni in the right direction. We need more Sharaths !!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Pradeep,

completely agree with you.
As they say journey of million miles start with a single step.
let us all take a step and if million people too take it then we can defeat this virus known as terrorism
And we should remember one thing "TERRORISM HAS NO RELIGION"
It is an urban evil which we should pull from the roots
M.V.Manoj said…

Putting this for your information. You can share this with people you know.

In case you come across any suspicious activity, any suspicious movement or have any information to tell to the Anti-Terror Squad, please take a

Note of the new ALL INDIA TOLL-FREE Terror Help-line "1090".

Your city's Police or Anti-Terror squad will take action as quickly as possible.

Remember that this single number 1090 is valid all over India This is a toll free number and can be dialed from mobile phones also.

Moreover, the identity of the caller will be kept a secret. Let us make each and every citizen of India aware about this facility.


@ Manoj,

Please check the links below:




This seems to be a wrong communication by some pranksters.

M.V.Manoj said…
Hi Sharat,

I had put this info because our Admin Head had circulated this to entire staff in our office.

Now I also tried this number and it doesn' work(getting the message that number not in use). Seems to be work of some prankster.

Sorry for the trouble.


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