Award for Best Contributor to Testing Community - Test Republic

Hi All,

Felt like sharing the good news with you all

I have been chosen for the award “Best Contributor to Testing Community - Test Republic” which shall be presented at the 8th Annual International Software Testing Conference on 24th November at the Leela Palace, Old Airport Road, Bangalore.

Test Republic has truly lived up to it’s name and it’s quote “Meet. Share. Network. @ Global online social networking platform exclusively for Software Testing Professionals.” It has more than 2500 members and close to 200 discussions. I have learnt a lot from the discussions at Test Republic, and I hope to see you all as members and learn from you all.

I thank Edista and Test Republic Team for running such a fantastic testing community and to choose me for the Award.

Disclaimer: All the blogs shared by me are my ideas, my thought, my understanding of the subject and does not represent any of my employer’s ideas, thought, plans or strategies.


M.V.Manoj said…
Congratulations, Sharath. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said…
Congrats Sharath...

I liked your disclaimer :)))
priyaaa said…
Congrads Sharath... :)

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